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Nicole Donahoo

BS. Kineisology with a Pre-PT backround

Licenced Massage Practitioner 
Skilled in Trigger-point therapy (Travell) 

Trained for a year in an Occupational Teaching facility

I received my training from the massage program at Lake Washington Technical Institute in 2011-2012 and worked at a teaching clinic of therapy for over a year practicing and understanding new and different techniques. I have learned Trigger-point, PNT (peripheral nerve technique), and finessed my cross-fiber strokes. Also I’ve taken a Kinesiotaping course, as well as had about 20+ hours of classes with a certified occupational therapist . I’ve also branched out into Chiropractic massage and I am now the process of becoming credentialed with Premera Blue Cross and First Choice, and Healthways.


After graduating from Western in 2010 with my BS in Kinesiology and an emphasis on Pre-Physical Therapy, I started working as an aide at a physical therapy clinic. I was trying to find a direction I wanted to take my understanding and knowledge, there I met a very skilled LMP and started looking into massage. Soon after starting classes I quickly learned that I really loved to do bodywork and that I was very talented at it as well; I have been told that I have a very healing approach to my work and that my presence is very professional and comfortable.


Treatment massage has always been my goal and I am also interested in taking some classes for reflexology and other outlets of massage as well, my ultimate goal is to incorporate knowledge from various complementary fields and use that to strengthen my practice as holistically as possible. Every day I learn something new, and I never stop trying to expand my understanding of the human condition.

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